January 2012

Growing Herbs

How To Grow Herbs In Your Garden To a cook or a chef herbs are considered a valuable source in cooking. To a gardener, herbs are even more rewarding due to the beauty of their leaves and for their pleasant aroma. Growing herbs in your own garden provides a constantly available source of fresh culinary […]

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Australian Native Plants

Bring Your Garden To Life With Native Australian Plants Australian native plants are a wonderful addition to any Australian domestic garden. Many Australian plants are very adaptable and easy to grown in your garden, but there are a few important points to consider. A native plant that grows well in dry inland regions, can hardly […]

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Growing Potatoes

How To Grow Potatoes In Your Garden Growing potatoes is best achieved during the Spring months in Australia. Potatoes are very susceptible to frost, and conversely do not like overly warm temperatures either! For best results, dig your garden bed to spade depth well before planting, and add in mulch, blood and bone, and blend well into soil. […]

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Growing Tomatoes

How To Grow Tomatoes In Your Garden Growing tomatoes is the most popular garden activity of all home grown crops. The secret of course is knowing how to grow tomatoes, and more importantly which varieties to choose. Tomato plants generally provide a good yield for the space they take up in the garden, and some years […]

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Raised Garden Beds

How To Create Functional Raised Garden Beds Raised garden beds provide a fantastic area to cultivate the perfect vegetable garden in your home. It’s important to ensure that when building your raised garden bed, to allow for adequate drainage. Drainage is necessary where vegetables are being grown in heavy soil to promote optimum growth.  Raised […]

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